My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I’ve read Angels & Demons, I’ve watched the arrival and others documentary (relative to the conspiracy theory) of the inside conflict of Christianity as well as i did study at superficial level in comparative religion.
And i found Dan Brown can really hook up all those conflicts into an interesting action-thriller page-turner fiction thereby facilitates all those theories into a simpler study.
And there were more on why it’s popular. It’s the Mary Magdalene's controversial story whom is said to be a close disciple of Jesus, not-a-prostitute and a wife too? controversially interesting for the Christians as well as historians.
The ideas were pouring down at high pace. A lot of facts, a lot of conspiracies ; say the rose line, the knight Templar foundation, the myth of Priory, the Da Vinci’s works, the relation of Disney’s cartoons to the symbol of sacred feminine(eg: snow white, mermaid), the initial idea of the symbol of male and female et cetera, et cetera all in a fiction.
Lastly (spoiler), in the movie, the story of the 2nd cryptex, the London library, the death of remy, and the reunion of Sophie’s grandmother was altered in a way the viewers can still enjoy a good watch. Reading is always better after all.
A very good fiction . Despite of all the facts and theories, it is still a fiction which may be a possible truth in history.
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