early heads-up : ini cuma tulisan panjang yang kupendam dalam draft tiada tertekan publish. mungkin sangat panjang juga.
Cerita pasal kelas. Duduk, dengar, tulis sikit sikit, lepas tu tengok jam. Dengar lagi, tengok kiri kanan, tengok depan, salin, lepas tu tengok jam. Tadi jam tangan, ni tengok jam fon.
Atas meja ada banyak bekas contengan. Kadang kadang lucu bila tengok perbualan nonverbal macam :
meja A: soalan no 4 kau dapat x berapa?
meja B: x = 2.34321 , dapat tak? pakai rumus ni.
ramai yang dah tak pergi kelas. Kedatangan kalau separuh kelas tu biasa la, dan separuh tu agak bagus sebenarnya. Kisah benar kulliyah kejuruteraan. Tapi tak apa. Kelas tak wajib untuk dihadiri. Ini admin punya trick dari tahun lepas. atau dari tahun tahun dulu?
Pelajar tidak dilarang dari mengambil peperiksaan akhir walaupun tidak pernah hadir ke kelas, walaupun tidak pernah menandatangani senarai kehadiran mahupun tidak kenal pensyarah. (yang akhir itu agak kasar ok, tapi berlaku)
Tapi ponteng kelas adalah dibenarkan. Teorinya : pelajar sudah mumaiyiz, tahu apa yang baik dan buruk untuk diri sendiri, masing masing punya pilihan. Kalau kalian, apa fikirnya?
Heaven? (metafora untuk nikmat. Bukan sebenar benar nikmat.) Tapi ini yang aku quote dari 3 pensyarah yang berbeza pandangan. Identiti dirahsia.
Found in quotation #1
“Attendance are decreasing by days, maybe because of I didn’t tell you to sign the attendance list. If I start taking attendance after midterm, will it be encouraged for all of you to attend my class?”
“Anyway you don’t have to come at all. I mean, you can choose to come or not to. This is what our kulliyyah has been practicing since last year.”
“You’re now a university student. A student should be able to learn independently. If you don’t want to learn from me, it’s ok, you can learn with someone else, or learn by yourself. You still can take the final exam anyhow.” (Everybody listen enthusiastically)
“Maybe I’ll take the attendance just for my personal record. Say, if the student’s carry mark is low, maybe I’ll consider of adding some mark into it. If he/she has very good record of attending my class, maybe I can give some bonus mark. If I want to.” (A little relief for everyone)
“But, thing is, if a student had full attendance for the whole classes of the semester, but score very low in his/her quiz or midterm test, I can’t help it. It’s obvious that he/she has very low intelligence. Attend all classes but never scored high mark.”
(Class laughing, but then everyone suddenly having a whisper of serious thinking, worrying about how their own grade wills be. urgh)
*am I going to pass this? Am I going to pass this? Am I going to pass this!? Argh!!!
At the end, some of us fail; some of us pass the course. Half-half.
I failed.
Found in quotation #2
Situation: class is so full today because he wants to make quiz for the day.
*Quiz carry 10% of assessment. It’s important. other college call them as "test".
“Why is our class is so full today? Did I tell you we’ll have quiz today? No? Nah... Anyway, I don’t know why would our kulliyyah decided not to bar student who had very bad attendance from taking the final exam.”
“This way, people don’t come to class. The admin is full of intelligence people but they put their brain underneath their knee for deciding so. I don’t know why.”
“They just suddenly felt that you’re an adult now, you can decide what is good for yourself, you know yourself better than anyone else, and you have the choice.”
Normal classes no quiz. All of the students fell for that. The lecturer grin happily. What a trick.
* He’s counting the number of students! Checking if someone signed for more than once. Sigh...
Found in quotation #3
Situation: He suddenly took the attendance list and start counting. He has never done this before.
“Why the attendance signed for more than the number of people who came?”
Everybody is silently still.
“There are about 50 people who signed but just 37 came.”
(A different of 13!)
“13 people have cheated. Why? The absentees are not here but the cheaters are.” (oow man)
“You are allowed to not come to the class, then why cheat, just leave it blank.”
L.o.L everybody were chilled out of their calmness. Cuak ayam masing masing. Anyway, cheating is not good. Lesson for the day.
(But it not nice to see blank/hole on your attendance list. Right? It feels no good. seriously!)
Found in quotation #4
Situation: in a non-engineering subject class.
“Please attend the class; I knew that you’re not being barred if you don’t attend class in your kulliyyah but this kulliyyah, NO! ”
“You’ll receive a first warning letter for being absent for 2 classes, and so on. Standard procedures. You will be barred from taking your final exam if your attendance is less than 80%.”
Turnout: a lot were absent. Students get used to the system.
That is why engineering students study/work independently. they do not just absent class, they study independently, while some other students depend on lecture.
thanx for reading.