07 March 2010

what gives?

Main Auditorium, 20100304


Of all panelists, they did say a no-no to nikah koboi (somewhere in pinggir ibu kota) by looking in the ways of  what've been practicing in here, the law, and the khilaf between the schools of thought.

please kindly continue reading to the end of the post for the download link.

I did went to the forum,
but I dont get to place my walkman on "the spot".
I mean, the speaker pocket, or, the table before them, or somewhere closer to the audio source.

So I spoke nicely to the committee, kindly, and meekly told him to.
And then, somehow "Access denied".
Someone-you-know-who xbagi permission. "We've official recording already" Huh~

So, is this piracy? *tsk
oh ye, I lupe to tip that bro. I guessed that gives.

So, this is what I got. X rugi pon download. Oh, tapi, poor quality audio.

*It is encauraged to delete any audio & video files that you downloaded within 24 hours.

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