06 July 2010

At the workplace #2

Snippets of conversation. between a cute daughter, and a nonsense father. at the counter.

"Pa, adeq rasa nak buang air kecil laaa, macam mana ni?"
"Ala, tahanlah sekejap ea, sekejap je dah nak balik dah"    <---- total clueless pa.
"tapi pa"     <--- she was insisting
"tahan tahan, kejap aje ni"    <--- again.

lucky me, I was passing them with a box of stocks to be stored upstairs. Suddenly,

"alamak papa, dah keluar dah"

a pale yellowish fluid, namely urine, tersebar seluruh alam. adess (~_^)'

every staff is lingering their eyes off the floor.
intentionally they are.
while every move of mine is on the video footage,
monitored & recorded, fyi.
so so, think happy thought. think happy thought, think happy thought,
think a chore I love to do, nahh, this is it,
here I am cleaning crap.
a chore I love to do.
bottomline :
   Always ask for the toilet whereabout. Main tahan tahan pulak.

1 comment:

Yukie said...

AHAHAHAHA kelakar la..kesian awak..sabar ye~! x pe kalau awk ikhlas dalam melakukan sesuatu dpt pahala taw~! oh ye awk kerja kat mane?

p/S: sy dah visit awk..awk visit la sy… http://yusraery24.blogspot.com/
jgn lupa utk tinggalkan komen dan pendapat ok?
lagi best kalau awk jadi follower sy..uhuhuw…^^”